Hello again my friends! I do believe it's been a few days since I touched base with you all. The lab of experimentation is always open for me, so I decided to share my experience in this subject matter of transmuting negative energy to positive energy. I personally identified "Five Ways to preserve, reserve, and transmute negative energy." In these times, it seems there's a surge of energy both positive and negative in our atmosphere. It can be hard to balance it out, except for preserving your energy, clearing your house, and body energetically. Taking what I call a spiritual baths with choice bath salts, and essential oils are a good way to clear your auric field. Meditation can balance your chakra system which helps us process information and emotions in a balanced way. I'm not sure if everyone is keen on crystals but they also help Tremendously. I wear them as jewelry, waste beads, necklaces, bracelets etc. The main process I work with is Reiki, energy clearing and chakra balancing. Better known as a body tune-up. Its great and is actually good for maintaining healthy immune systems and overall well being, and should be a routine practice. I recommend Reiki sessions three times per month. I offer Reiki sessions and as a Reiki Master in practice for isx years now, I still say protecting and clearing your energy is the best detox from negative energy. Here are five ways to ensure your well being comes first.
Stay away from negative people, who are always complaining, or seemingly to in a funk or some sort. It's like on first detection you may want to remove your presence as soon as possible.
Clear your energy with Sage, Dead Sea Salt, Crystals. (see my book titled "Crystals and Gems" . Inside your will find which crystals to use.
Regular Reiki Sessions and Body tuning- The body is like a car, it needs to be tuned up once a few times a month, especially if you do strenuous work and have so tension to get rid of. Distance Reiki is just as effective as In person Reiki, they both do not involve touching the client. Here's my FB page (12) House of Serqet Reiki and Holistic Therapy | Facebook
Sound Healing- When ever you get the chance to relax and have some alone time try getting a pair of ear buds and listen to some nice flute music, shamanic drums, spa music, Japanese healing music. This method works so easily, our bodies really love to respond to the divine wonders of melody especially our lovely harp instrument. Enjoy this variety of tuning forks to choose from and super affordable prices! Great for gits of any kind. tuning forks - Tonya 23 and a beautiful selection of singing bowls. singing bowls - Tonya 23.
Sage and burning herbs and drinking teas- Hello all for centuries Sage has not only been a great cooking herb that is antimicrobial, and antibacterial, it has been known to kill bacteria in the air as well as move negative energy out of your living space. Always open your windows when you burn sage no the negativity and leave out of your house. Indigenous tribes brought this tradition to the Americas. Always use safety precautions with burring anything in your home. Use a fireproof tray. (quality fire proof tray Smudge Ash Tray Burner - Abalone Shell - Large 5"-6" | Tonya 23)
I wish everyone well on their healing journey's. Even though we are all at a different point in the journey but become a team with your energy healing life, and acknowledge that you have a energy body and you need to tune it up once in awhile. I highly recommend trying Reiki and body tuning. For more info please email me at houseoftonya23.com Most of all don't allow anyone to take you out of your character, people can be awfully rude when we interact with one another randomly. Stay tuned for one of my singing bowl sessions! #serqet #healersondeck #selfdevelopment #tonya23