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Green Lotus Bar

Green Lotus Bar

SKU: 2323
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"5 oz bar! Green Lotus Bar is a combination of Shea Butter, mango butter and pure Lotus Essential Oil. The lotus is an aquatic perennial native that is to parts of southern Asia, Australia. India and Vietnam have it as their national flower too. The roots of this flower are planted on the water bed and the leaves emerge on top of the surface of the water. The lotus features circular leaves which help it to float properly. Lotus is a heat producing plant, these flowers sustain a temperature of 85-95 degrees F, even if there is 50 degree F outside. From the flower to the leaves, the seeds and the lotus oil all elements that make up lotus, are greatly filled with health boosting ingredients and are thus, great for the skin and hair. Let us take a look at the benefits the lotus oil has to offer to the skin and hair. 

  • Lotus flower is known for being filled with healthful nutrients that are super essential for overall health. From Vitamin B, C, fibre and minerals like copper, iron and zinc, lotuses are a fount of these nutritious elements.
  • Talking about the skin benefits lotus oil is known to rejuvenate and revive the dull and lifeless skin deep from within.
  • Further, the plant compounds combined with the various vitamins and minerals, the essential oil is capable of purifying the skin by working on the pores and making your skin more fresh and vibrant.
  • Apart from that, the lotus essential oil is a great conditioner for the skin. It hydrates and deeply nourishes the skin and reduces the inflammation caused.
  • Not only that the oil also acts as the perfect exfoliator, it has alpha-hydroxy acids that improve the elasticity and slow down the ageing of the skin.
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