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House of Tonya 23 organic Product Creation! Welcome to the home of handmade healing products!

Here is the finished product of Bay Leaves! The miracle of Bay leaves! Did you know that Bay leaves have magical properties? Well, I'm a living witness. Luck can be yours with just a little Bay leaf oil and alot of faith and belief on your part. The elements work and bring out qualities in us that we manifest, like luck, love, compassion, and all the good things in life. You can even change the mood of others with Bay leaf oil. Try cooking a meal for someone who needs self love, to be manifest in them. Use a little bay leaf oil in your reciepes. It's an age old herb that has so many good qualities, here are just a few magical properties of bay leaves and the oil of Bay leaves.

1. Healing

2. Purification

3. Good for strength

4. Protection

5. It’s also useful for enhancing psychic ability

6. Bay Leaf essential oil can help inspire and foster creativity

7. Useful when treating writer’s block, or other creative blockages

8. Helpful for boosting confidence and instilling a sense of purpose and direction.

9. Bay Leaf is very useful for artists who are prone to self-doubt or disillusionment.

10. Bay Leaf dispels lack if self consciousness so that you can be inspired to create with confidence again.

Bay Leaves receives its confidence-elevating properties from the Sun, it’s ruling planet. The Sun represents the self, including self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image. So enjoy utilizing Bay leaves in any way you prefer. Its also a great anti aging property for the aged skin.

Thank you for your time and attention in learning about the magical properties of Bay leaves, they aren't just good in Spaghetti and Meatballs! LOL.


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